
This site is dedicated to the Warren Avenue Bridge Multimodal Project, a City of Bremerton-led effort to improve walking and non-motorized features on the Warren Avenue Bridge (SR-303). Enabled by a $1.5M Washington State grant, this effort will leverage existing and related plans to work with residents, user groups, agency leads and others to evaluate options and arrive at a preferred design – allowing the City to seek funding for construction. Using the menus above, you’re invited to learn more, track the process and take part, including event dates and times, process documents, technical memos and more. Have immediate thoughts to relay? Call or use our contact form.

Current Project Status as of March 2024

At the Bremerton City Council meeting on August 2, 2023, the recommendation of a preferred alternative, “Alternative 2”, was presented to the City Council. However, the City Council introduced and approved a new alternative, “Alternative X”, via Resolution 3363. “Alternative X” proposes asymmetrical widening on both sides of the bridge, with a 12-foot clear-width walkway on the east side and an 8-foot clear-width walkway on the west side with two overlooks (widened sections of the walkway to allow for stopping and viewing), if within the project budget.

An update memorandum to the Feasibility and Alternatives Analysis was prepared in March 2024 that included cost estimating for “Alternative X,” addresses new information provided by WSDOT regarding maintenance access, clarifies assumptions in bridge design criteria, and provides a discussion about the safety and operational performance of the walkway alternatives.


Project Phases

Phase 1 - Alternatives Review

Phase 2 - Design

Phase 3 - Construction


Phase 1 Timeline

 In Phase 1, the Warren Avenue Bridge Project will engage the community to establish a best/preferred alternative for improved crossing conditions, balancing motorized and non-motorized needs. Subject to change (as may be required per process demand), here’s our project timeline: